Stock For Sale UK

If you have any Stock that you wish to sell we will be happy to advertise those for you on this website

The whole range of best Fleckvieh pedigree livestock from Germany:

         Heifers (4 – 7 months pregnant or open heifers)

·         Cows in milk

·         Weaners (ready for feet lots, around   200- 230 kg /440-480 lbs)

·         Bulls (sweepers)

You have to choice either to buy ex farm or from our auction sales which take

place around every week which are organized by our Bavarian Breeding Associations.

Your benefit:

·         Highest health standards thanks to standard animal health programmes

·         Best available Fleckvieh genetics at reasonable prices

·         Animals from controlled free granges free of Tbc, Brucelosis, leucosis, IBR/IPV and BSE

·         All zoosanitarian certificates, documents and pedigrees

·         Transport form door to door

For more info on Livestock contact the team

An Independent look at Fleckvieh in the UK